About us

Stevie G’s is family owned and operated by Andrew, Matt and Shannon Loconsolo. Together they have over 25+ collective years experience in the restaurant, catering, and customer service industries.
Stevie G’s was previously Butterfield’s Family Restaurant, a breakfast and lunch establishment that was in business for over 40 years. Andrew and Matt both started their restaurant careers at Butterfield’s when they were teenagers.
The name Stevie G’s is something near and dear to the Loconsolo’s. Andrew and Shannon’s daughter is Stevie Grace, named to honor her late grandfather, Shannon’s father, Stephen Gerrish. Steve Gerrish owned his own small business, North Star Bailey Company, located in Hanover. Steve was very active in helping the Loconsolo trio search for locations to open their restaurant, and his opinion on the perfect location was very important to them. Steve passed before meeting his granddaughter and seeing his family’s dream of owning a restaurant come to fruition. Steve also loved to frequent Butterfield’s, so he would be over the moon to see our dream begin here. It made perfect sense to the Loconsolo’s to honor two of the most special people in their lives by naming their first restaurant after them.